Growing Together

Shared Roots

Established in 2017, Atsiniki Cigars continues the traditions of growing, curing and sharing fine tobacco, honoring the connections born of these rituals. Our cigars are proof that the relationships we cultivate can change our lives forever, creating new ways to positively impact others as we grow.

Common Ground

Atsiniki cigars celebrate the time-honored traditions of Native American, Cuban and Nicaraguan tobacco culture. While each culture is unique, through Atsiniki they share common ground, offering an opportunity to bring premium Nicaraguan cigars — and the stories of their own indigenous people — to the world.


Charles Robinson

Founder & Atsiniki Himself
Franklin, Tennessee

Throughout his life, Charles Robinson has shared truths about his Choctaw Native American heritage to preserve the history of his culture. While visiting his wife's Blackfoot tribe in Alberta, Canada, Charles was gifted with the ceremonial name Atsiniki, meaning Storyteller. Years later, Charles was speaking of tobacco’s significance within his culture — an offering or gift, a shared breath showing respect for another’s point of view, the smoke rising like prayers to the Creator. The telling of his story revealed a friend’s shared reverence for tobacco, rooted in Cuban and Nicaraguan cigar culture. Common ground led to deeper friendships and the collaborative creation of Atsiniki Cigars.

You can know all the science, but if you’re not honoring your culture, you have nothing.

-Arsenio Ramos

Native Tradition

After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the Estelí region became a refuge for Cuban cigar makers. They took with them not only the tobacco seeds that once produced their world-renowned quality tobacco, but also generations-worth of tobacco cultivating and premium cigar making experience. Atsiniki Cigars hold the essence of both Cuba and Nicaragua, and are distributed out of Tennessee.

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